Picture of the name from a flatcar / Photo du nom pris sur un wagon plat

Helm Pacific Leasing

Reporting marks / Identifications : HPJX

There is very little on the net about this company. All I know are from websites about business. The office of Helm Pacific Leasing are located is in San Francisco since 1990 and they employed about 40.

Since the identification mark for this company finish with an "X", it mean that this company own railroad cars but no railroads.

Finally, according to my old "Official Railway Equipment Register", Helm Leasing Company own between 2000 to 3000 cars (many cars that are on the road now are newer than my version of "Official Railway Equipment Register".

This company belong to " Helm Financial Corporation " (Helm pacific Leasing and Helm Financial Corp used to have the same postal address before the closing of their offices.) which itself belong to the First Union Rail

Il y a très peu d'informations sur le web à propos de cette compagnie. Les informations que j'ai, proviennent de sites d'affaire monétaire. Les bureaux du Helm Pacific Leasing sont situés à St-Francisco, la compagnie existe depuis 1990 et emploie une quarantaine d'employés.

Comme l'identification du matériel roulant de cette compagnie fini avec un " X ", ceci veut dire que cette compagnie possède du matériel roulant mais, sans posséder de compagnie de chemin de fer.

Finalement, selon mon vieux "Official Railway Equipment Register", Helm Leasing Company possèdent entre 2000 et 3000 wagons. (Plusieurs des wagons sur les rails présentement sont plus récents que mon "Official Railway Equipment Register")

Cette compagnie est la propriété de " Helm Financial Corporation "(Helm pacific Leasing and Helm Financial Corp possédaient la même adresse postal avant la fermeture de leurs bureaux.) et qui, elle m[eme, appartient à la First union Rail

Reference / Référence: "The official railway equipment register july 2007", "Identification of tran cars that finish with an X / Identification de wagons qui finit avec un X" and the internet

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TrainsMtl.com 2015